Monday, July 26, 2010

Why do I have these songs in my head?

I have a gift, or a curse - I'm still trying to figure out which.  Here's the deal - every day, several times a day, a random song will pop into my head a play itself through my mind.  I may hear the whole song, but usually it's just the chorus, or some catchy lyrics that I remember.  Since I typically don't know the entire song, a few lines will generally keep repeating in my head.

The song may be something that is currently popular, making it hard to avoid on a daily basis.  However, more often than not, it's a song I haven´t heard in while, sometimes years.  It could be a song that I like, love, or loathe.  This is when I am truly baffled.  I think to myself, "self - why are you jamming out to 'Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me)' by Blessid Union of Souls?  You haven't heard, or thought about, this song since the late 90´s..."

It always makes me wonder - where the hell did this song come from?  It seems to just appear out of nowhere - was it something I saw or heard that triggered this, or is this song simply lodged somewhere in my brain, occasionally making an appearance.

This blog is dedicated to the never-ending mix-tape that can be found in my head...

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