Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mother and Child Reunion

This one's a killer - certainly seems a bit random, but this one pops into my skull quite often.  Apparently, he got the name for the song off of the menu of a Chinese Restaurant in downtown New York.  It was a chicken and egg dish...

Song: Mother and Child Reunion
Artist: Paul Simon
Album: Paul Simon
Category: Classic Rock

cover art for the single...

Memorable Lyrics:
No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reu-nion
Is only a motion away, oh, little darling of mine.

Last Heard (other than in my head): 3 months ago - every once in a while, I'll jam out to Paul Simon's Greatest Hits - nice!

Stickyness Factor (1-10): - 6 - this is a somewhat sticky one - the chorus, and maybe two other lines, will repeat in my noggin over and over and over for hours.

No problems with this one ringing in my head - its a classic.  Part of a great album, including one of my favorites, "Me and Julio Down by the School Yard" (another song that will surely make an appearance on this page in the future).  A little bit of a reggae-ness to it, including guitar work by two of the members of 'Toots and the Maytals'.  Also featured on The Simpsons episode when Homer's mother dies - any song that has been on the Simpsons is OK in my book...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me)

The song that started it all!  Upon hearing this song playing in my head just one too many times, I was inspired to start this little bloggy-blog up.  I was amazed because I hadn´t heard the actual song in so long, but it continued to come to me.  Maybe writing about it will make it stop...

Song: Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me)
Artist: Blessid Union of Souls
Album: Walking Off The Buzz
Category: 90´s Rock

Memorable Lyrics:
She likes me for me
Not because I hang with Leonardo
Or that guy who played in "Fargo"
I think his name is Steve
Last Heard (other than in my head): late 90´s

Stickyness Factor (1-10): - 7 - this one tends to stay with me for a while.  I know way too many words of this song...

This song, on the surface, is just plain bad.  Cheesy lyrics to match the simple, repetitive music.  However, something about this one brings a smile to my face.  Maybe it is the stupid references to pop culture and celebrities, maybe because its so bad that its good, maybe because it transports me back to a different time in my life...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Why do I have these songs in my head?

I have a gift, or a curse - I'm still trying to figure out which.  Here's the deal - every day, several times a day, a random song will pop into my head a play itself through my mind.  I may hear the whole song, but usually it's just the chorus, or some catchy lyrics that I remember.  Since I typically don't know the entire song, a few lines will generally keep repeating in my head.

The song may be something that is currently popular, making it hard to avoid on a daily basis.  However, more often than not, it's a song I haven´t heard in while, sometimes years.  It could be a song that I like, love, or loathe.  This is when I am truly baffled.  I think to myself, "self - why are you jamming out to 'Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me)' by Blessid Union of Souls?  You haven't heard, or thought about, this song since the late 90´s..."

It always makes me wonder - where the hell did this song come from?  It seems to just appear out of nowhere - was it something I saw or heard that triggered this, or is this song simply lodged somewhere in my brain, occasionally making an appearance.

This blog is dedicated to the never-ending mix-tape that can be found in my head...